LAFS’ Database

Tired of Google-searching and sifting through the irrelevant material? Looking for key agricultural contacts, financial resources or crop-specfic grants? LAFS’ Agriculture Resource Database can help!

Check it out at

Specifically designed for farmers, ranchers, growers and producers in our area, the database has hundreds of local resources, researched for our region. Categories include: Education & Learning, Production, Finances, Plans & Regulations, Operations, Funding, Important Contacts, and Sales & Distribution. You can narrow down the search for specific commodities: Livestock, Crops, Cattle, Bees/Apiculture, Fruit, and Vegetables.

So the next time you’re looking for a grant to help fund an agriculture-related project, or want to find the contact information for someone at the Ministry of Agriculture, or want to find out what the regulations are for agri-tourism activities of ALR land, make the new Database your first stop!

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