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LAFS Secures Grow Local Funding for “Growing Healthy Communities” Project

Residents of the northern St’átimc territory and the greater Lillooet region will be growing more local food in 2017 as the Lillooet Agriculture and Food Society (LAFS) begins its “Growing Healthy Communities” project.  The project is a result of the Society’s successful application to the B.C. government’s Grow Local Program for $25,000. The “Growing Healthy Communities” project will deliver tailored events, workshops and seminars in the District of Lillooet, Area B of the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District and each of the northern St’át’imc communities, on growing and harvesting activities both in and out of season. Participants will learn about soil preparation; seed selections; crop care; harvesting, processing and storing produce; crop diversification; natural pest management solutions and winter crops. The $250,000 Grow Local program is funding projects in 10 B.C. communities. The projects are designed to: The application process was administered by the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC.  The BC Agrifoods and Seafood Strategic Growth Plan identifies the next steps in the B.C. Government’s goal to grow the B.C. agrifoods industry to a $15-billion-dollar-a-year sector by 2020. Grow Local BC will assist in maintaining food supply security, a challenge identified in the strategic growth plan.
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